A public repo to keep track of our current work.
Waffle listens to the cues in your process to update your work status automatically. Waffle.io is integrated with GitHub and allows you to view issues related to a particular repository. It allows you to create your own columns of tasks and visualize the workflow of the repository.
Users can add issues right from the Waffle.io interface. Each issue in the repository is represented as a card. As issues are created and closed, the waffle board associated with that repository is also updated. You can also view and make comments right in the waffle.io interface. To move issues between columns, you can drag and drop and everything is updated for you.
You can also view the labels and milestones for each issue.
Waffle.io allows you to add a Waffle badge to your README (as seen above) so that users can link to your Waffle board and can see what needs to be worked on next.
Feel free to add any issues for features we should work on. You can add issues through the GitHub interface or directly on our Waffle.io board.