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A verticle that receives index data via event bus and indexes to the corresponding ElasticSearch instance(s). The whole configuration is maintained on the verticle itself. Also is supported in latest version.

Technical Usage

The artefact is published on maven central.

Just add it as a dependency to your project (gradle example)

dependencies {
	compile 'com.romanpierson:vertx-elasticsearch-indexer:1.3.0'


Just start an instance of ElasticSearchIndexerVerticle with the proper json configuration.

As an example in yaml

indexScheduleInterval: 5000
 - identifier: accesslog
   host: localhost
   port: 9200
   indexMode: STATIC_NAME
   indexNameOrPattern: accesslog
 - identifier: applicationlog_ssl
   host: localhost
   port: 9200
   indexNameOrPattern: applicationlog-yyyyMMdd
   ssl: true
   sslTrustAll: true
     type : basic
       user : elastic
       password : PleaseChangeMe

Raw Index Event

The verticle receives simple json messages via the event bus that need to have a structure like this

  key1 : value 1
  key n : value n

The meta data part is required only to decide where to index and having a clean timestamp. This timestamp itself is also added to the actual message values (using field name timestamp).

Index creation

The solution supports three ways of index creation.

For IndexMode.STATIC_NAME you must specify a plain index name.

For IndexMode.DATE_PATTERN_EVENT_TIMESTAMP and DATE_PATTERN_INDEX_TIMESTAMP you must specify a pattern that can contain placeholders for year, month and day. The indexer will ensure that each access entry - based on its meta timestamp or the timestamp at actual index time - is indexed to the correct index.


In order to simplify things for now its only possible to use Basic or BearerAuthentication. ES also supports Authentication via OAuth tokens but this is not supported for now.

Also AWS authentication is planned on the roadmap.

Setup ES Cluster

In order to simplify testing this project contains docker-compose setups for ES 7.x and 8.x without SSL (However you change it in the compose file easily to use SSL).

Define global index template

In theory indexing ES is able to derive its own field mapping but its a better option to create an index template as with this you get the correct datatypes.

PUT _template/template_accesslog
  "index_patterns": ["accesslog", "accesslog*"],
  "settings": {
    "number_of_shards": 1
  "mappings": {
    "_doc": {
      "_source": {
        "enabled": true
      "properties": {
        "method": {
          "type": "keyword"
        "status": {
          "type": "integer"
        "duration": {
          "type": "integer"
        "timestamp": {
          "type": "date"

ES Compatibility

Version ES version
1.2.0 7.x > (6.x is not supported anymore as it still has mandatory doc type mapping)
1.1.0 6.5.4 (To be checked with earlier 6x versions)
1.0.0 6.5.4 (To be checked with earlier 6x versions)

Axiom Support

With latest version 1.2.0 and as provides a ES compatible bulk API you can easily index into this logging provider as well.

A sample configuration looks like this

 - identifier: axiom-accesslog
   flavour: AXIOM
   port: 443
   indexNameOrPattern: accesslog
   ssl: true
   sslTrustAll: false
     type : bearer
       token : <TOKEN>

Known Issues and to be fixed

  • Failure handling is implemented BUT there is no mechanism built yet to retry / temporary store the failed entries


Detailed changelog can be found here.