Implementation in Prolog.
(c) 2009-2015 Roman Piták
Red-black trees are self-balancing binary search trees. The implementation is complex, but it has a good worst-case running time for its operations and is effective in practice: it can search, insert and delete in O(log n) time, where n is the total number of elements in the tree.
rb_check( +Tree )
Is red-black tree valid?
rb_empty( ?Tree )
Is empty?
rb_insert( +Tree, +Key, -NewTree )
Inserts a new node with the given Key into the given Tree,
preserving all the required red-black tree properties.
rb_build( +List, -Tree )
Takes a list of elements and builds a red black tree from scratch.
rb_delete( +Tree, +Key, -NewTree )
Deletes the node with the given Key from the given Tree.
rb_search( +Tree, +Element )
Searches in the given Tree for the given Element.
rb_maximum( +Tree, -Maximum )
Finds the maximal Element of the given Tree.
rb_minimum( +Tree, -Minimum )
Finds the minimal Element of the given Tree.
rb_inOrder( +Tree, -List )
Performs an in-order tree traversal of the given tree and outputs
a list of it’s elements as defined the rules of an in-order tree walk.
rb_print( +Tree )
The rb print predicate prints the given tree on the standard output
in a human readable format. An example of the rb print output:
[ ] Black node
( ) Red node
| |—(15)
| |—(11)
| |—[10]
| | |—(9)
| |—(3)
Full documentation can be found in the documentation.pdf file.