This is an example dashboard for visualizing flow using Smashing and data from Jira, GitHub and Jenkins
Data has been changed to protect the innocent.
For more context see my blog post on situational awareness and running the dashboard on a raspberry pi.
Presented at:
- ALL DAY DEVOPS 2020: Slides - Video
- DevOps Enterprise Summit 2020 Las Vegas (Virtual): Slides - Video
Best way to reach me is via the contact information listed on my website:
If you find a problem or something to improve please create a Pull Request.
Smashing Dashboard Software:
Smashing on GitHub:
Inspired by Mik Kersten's Project to Product book:
See the license folder for further links and attributions.
Thanks to the smashing community for the resources and widgets they have created.
To understand how this dashboard works have a look at the following files:
- See routes_to_cycle_through which are used by sinatra cyclist to cycle through the boards
config/jira.yaml: Main entrypoint to setup jira credentials and filter / flow settings
config/issue_colors.yaml: Colour settings for issue types
config/settings.rb: Detects if dashboard is running in visibilityspots/smashing docker container and if yes takes the file from the config folder instead of the root folder, also loads jira.yaml into a global var (need to find a better solution), which is used in jira related jobs
config/timeline_data.yaml: Static events to visualize in the timeline
dashboards/metrics.erb: Visualization of Flow metrics. Configure widgets there.
dashboards/status.erb: Visualization of Timeline, Jira filters / Jira status, Jenkins status. Configure widgets there.
jobs/business_results.rb: Provides data on Value/Cost/Quality/Happiness
jobs/flow_distribution.rb: Provides data on Flow distribution
jobs/flow_load.rb: Provides data on Flow load
jobs/flow_metrics.rb: Provides data on Flow efficiency and Flow time
jobs/flow_velocity.rb: Provides data on Flow velocity
jobs/github_stats.rb: Provides data on Open pull requests. Configure host, credential and repo there
jobs/jenkins_build.rb: Provides data about jenkins jobs. Setup jobs and credentials there
jobs/jira_issuecount.rb: Provides data for jql queries defined in jira.yaml
jobs/timeline.rb: Provides data from config/timeline_data.yaml and jira releases
licenses: Licenses and links to sources
widgets: Mainly standard wigets and widgets from ( are used which have been slightly adapted to show 'hotness' and to be clickable to lead to the source
- Setup config/jira.yaml, jobs/github_stats.rb, config/issue_colors.yaml and jobs/jenkins_build.rb, set data-ids in dashboards/status.erb (e.g. yourOrg/yourRepo provided from github_stats.rb as well as master, master_test, master_int_test, master_hw_test from jobs/jenkins_build.rb, etc.)
- Copy your to the config folder
docker run -e GEMS="octokit jira-ruby sinatra_cyclist" -v=C:\<path>\Smashing-Flowboard\config:/config -v=C:\<path>\Smashing-Flowboard\jobs:/jobs -v=C:\<path>\Smashing-Flowboard\widgets:/widgets -v=C:\<path>\Smashing-Flowboard\dashboards:/dashboards -v=C:\<path>\Smashing-Flowboard\assets:/assets -p 8080:3030 visibilityspots/smashing
- Navigate to http://localhost:8080
- Use http://localhost:8080/_cycle?duration=60 to cycle through the dashboards every 60 seconds