Fork of Shmoose to be build on qxmpp instead of Swiften.
Very early alpha stage.
Install regular Sailfish SDK: sfdk (see
Set a common target output directory in your dev directory:
mkdir ~/dev/RPMS sfdk config --global output-prefix=/home/user1/dev/RPMS
List installed SDKs:
sfdk tools list
Select a SDK:
sfdk config --global target=SailfishOS-
Build qca:
cd ~/dev git clone htpp:// cd qca sfdk build cd ..
Build libomemo-c:
git clone cd libomemo-c sfdk build cd ..
Build QXmpp:
git clone cd qxmpp git checkout 1.5 sfdk build cd ..
Build Shmong:
git clone cd shmong sfdk build cd ..
Testing on a device Check device is installed (install it from QtCreator):
sfdk device list
Configuration device:
sfdk config device="Xperia10"
Deploy packages to device:
cd libomemo-c sfdk deploy --sdk "-*-devel" cd ../qca sfdk deploy --sdk "-*-devel" cd ../qxmpp sfdk deploy --sdk "-*-devel" cd ../shmong sfdk deploy --sdk "-*-devel"
To recompile for another target using the same directories Remove the build directory for each library and object files for app:
cd libomemo-c rm -rf build cd ../qca rm -rf build cd ../qxmpp rm -rf build cd ../shmong rm *.o
Restart from select a SDK: