SVC is a framework that creates a long-running service process, managing the live-cycle of workers. It comes with "batteries-included" for convenience and uniformity across services.
SVC takes care of starting a main service and shutting it down cleanly. An application comprises of one or more Worker. If zero worker are added, SVC shuts down immediately.
The life-cycle is:
Initialization phase (
). Each service needs a name, a version. SVC tries to create a Zap logger that workers can make use of. The ideas is to have a consistent structure-logging experience throughout the service. -
Adding workers (
): Each worker needs a name; names have to be unique, otherwise SVC shuts down immediately. Workers can optionally implement theHealther
interface, in which case SVC can report when all workers are ready or shutdown the service if a worker reports to be unhealthy. Adding a worker does not initialize nor run the worker, yet. Creating new workers should not block! -
Run phase (
): Initialized and runs all added workers. Worker get synchronously initialized in the order they were added (worker.Init
). If a worker fails to initialize itself, already initialized workers get terminated and then entire service is shut down. Initializing a worker should not block the service and should be quick as no deadline is given. After all workers have been initialized, the workers get asynchronously run (worker.Run
). Worker'sRun
should block! -
Shutdown phase (
): SVC now waits until either: (i) it got a SigInt, SigTerm, or SigHup, (ii) an error from a running worker, or (iii) that all workers have finished successfully. Then it asynchronously terminates all initialized workers (worker.Terminate
). Failing to terminate a worker only logs that error, termination of other workers continues. This phase has a deadline of 15s by default, thus workers should terminate as quickly and gracefully as possible.
A worker is a component representing some long-running process. It usually is a server itself, such as a HTTP or gRPC server. Workers often have a Controller.
The life-cycle is:
Instantiation phase: A worker should get instantiated and then added to the service via
svc.AddWorker(name, worker)
. Each worker needs to have a unique name. -
Initialization phase (
): A worker gets initialized and passed a named logger that it can keep to log throughout its life-time. Initialization must not block. If a worker fails to get initialized, SVC starts the shutdown routine. -
Run phase (
): A worker should now execute a long-running task. When the task ends with an error, SVC immediately shuts down. -
Termination phase (
): A worker is asked to terminate within a given grace period.
A controller is the core of a worker, usually containing business logic, in case of a server worker, usually the router handlers.
All added router endpoints are served over HTTP using WithHTTPServer
GET /live
is always returning 200 from the time the service started. This is
to have a point from which it is easy to know that the process is live in the
GET /ready
is returning 200 if all the ready checks are looking good the
workers. Otherwise it will return 503 with a JSON body of a list of the errors.
This should ideally not be exported since the errors might contain sensitive
information to debug from.
GET /metrics
serves all registered Prometheus metrics.
GET /loglevel
gets the current log level.
PUT /loglevel
sets a new log level. This can be useful to temporarily change
the service's log level to debug
to allow for better troubleshooting.
GET /debug/pprof
serves an index page to allow dynamic profiling while the
service is running.
See net/http/pprof.
package main
import (
var _ svc.Worker = (*dummyWorker)(nil)
type dummyWorker struct{}
func (d *dummyWorker) Init(*zap.Logger) error { return nil }
func (d *dummyWorker) Terminate() error { return nil }
func (d *dummyWorker) Run() error { select {} }
func main() {
s, err := svc.New("minimal-service", "1.0.0")
svc.MustInit(s, err)
w := &dummyWorker{}
s.AddWorker("dummy-worker", w)
For more details, see the examples.
- minimal:
go run ./examples/minimal
The framework supports customization by using the options pattern. All customization options should be defined in options.go
The log format can be configured by providing an Option
on initialization. The supported formats are:
(default) orWithProductionLogger()
- Stackdriver
(prefered if running in GCP) - Console
(use when running locally) - Customized
(bring your own format)
Service termination must consider a variety of aspects. These aspects can be managed by SVC as follows:
- A wait period can be provided to delay the termination of workers whilst an external system is refreshing their service
target list. In the case of gRPC in Kubernetes this should be 35 seconds to cover the 30 second DNS TTL of kuberentes headless services. For example
WithTerminationWaitPeriod(35 * time.Second)
- A grace period can be provided to allow in flight requests to be processed by the service. This period should be the max timeout of the client making the request (excluding retries) plus the wait period. For example
WithTerminationGracePeriod(55 * time.Second)
where the wait period is 35 seconds and the grace period is 20 seconds. - When running in Kubernetes you should also set a
on your kubernetes deployment. This period should be longer than your grace period. For exampleterminationGracePeriodSeconds: 60
would be a good value when your wait period is 35 seconds and your grace period is 55 seconds.
We encourage and support an active, healthy community of contributors —
including you! Details are in the contribution guide and
the code of conduct. The svc
maintainers keep an eye on
issues and pull requests, but you can also report any negative conduct to
If you feel you should be on this list, create a PR to add yourself.
Apache 2.0, see