A simple library to make redis calls without having to worry about connections and command syntax.
This library is in a prerelease state. It does not yet provide functionality for all Redis commands, and may never be developed fully to encompass them all.
- Package updates.
- Package updates.
- Package updates.
- Package updates.
- Package updates.
- Package updates.
- Package updates.
- For compatibility, don't use commands that aren't available in Window redis servers.
- Package updates.
- Package updates.
- Package updates.
- Add option to check if a hash key exists.
- Add option to include scores with a SortedSetCache.getReverse result.
- New Cache.getAllKeys function.
- Add option to include scores with a SortedSetCache.get result.
- Add count, rank, and rankReverse functions to SortedSetCache.
- Typings for new Redis.getClient function.
- New Redis.getClient function.
- New Cache.remove function.
- New Cache.expireAt function.
- Cache.get now has an optional expire date to set the expiration of a retrieved key.
- Cache.set now uses the PXAT option.
- Include TTL function.
- Initial version.