Releases: roniy68/capstone-rails
Release v0.0.1 : beta
🔥 ReserveACar : Release v0.0.1
Release 1st Version of ReserveACar
What Has Been Done:
✅ The user logs in to the website, only by typing the username [ For Three People Work]
✅ In the navigation panel, the user can see links to:
Cars items .
✅ On the main page, the user can see the list of models in a carousel
✅ When the user selects a specific item, they can see the [details page]
✅ When the user clicks the "Add Car" link in the navigation panel they can see a form for adding a new item.
✅ Make the app responsive, creating both mobile and desktop versions.
✅ When the user clicks the "Delete item" link in the navigation panel they can see a list of all items with title and "Delete" button.
✅ When the user clicks the "Delete" button, the selected item is marked as removed and does not show on the main list anymore.
✅ When the user clicks the "My reservations" link in the navigation panel they can see a list of their reservations (with information about item name, date and city).
✅ Add full documentation for your API.
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👨💻 Authors
👤 Salwa Ballouti:
- GitHub: @Salwa99
- Twitter: @SalwaBallouti
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
👤 Ahmed Hasan Rony
- GitHub: @roniy68
- Twitter: @Ahmed Hasan Rony
- LinkedIn: @Ahmed Hasan Rony
👤 Muhammad Talha Hanif
- GitHub: @githubhandle
- Twitter: @twitterhandle
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn