A Matlab reimplementation of the ICCV 2013 paper Fine-Grained Categorization by Alignments. The key idea of this paper is to get features from the foreground segments which are aligned by divide the foreground into sub-regions. For more details, please check the original paper.
Folder align contains all the Matlab codes to run the ICCV 2013 method. Run the following scripts orderly:
- step1_trainEncoder.m;
- step2_encoding.m;
- step3_libsvm_kernel.m;
- step4_libsvm_aggre.m;
- step5_libsvm_traintest.m. (The reason for this complexity is that I need to parallelly encode all images)
Folder bow is the baseline method using Bag-of-Words features, which is based on the VLFeat bow examples.
The three used datasets are: CUB Bird 2010, CUB Bird 2011 and Stanford Dog.
Other folders are some personal experiments, e.g. latent SVM in the folder latent. You can just ignore them.