Last FM test app, Realm, Alamofire, AlamofireImage, AlamofireObjectMapper
iPhone-App in Swift for searching and storing music album information provided by the LastFM-API (
The app should contain the following screens:
main-screen: This screen shows all your locally stored albums presented in a UICollectionView. A tap on one of these albums opens a detail-page. The navigationBar contains a search-icon, which opens the search on tap.
search: It should be possible to search for artists and present the search results in a list. A selection of one list-item opens the albums-overview screen.
albums: List or collection of albums released by the selected artist. It should be possible to store (and delete stored) albums locally. Stored albums should be visibly marked. Tap on an album opens the detail-page.
At least the following informations should be stored: album name artist image or imageURL tracks detail-page: Overview with detailed information (name, artist, tracks, etc.) about the album. Store and delete functionality.
Requirements: Latest Xcode-Version Latest Swift-Version
= iOS 10 API communication in JSON-format CocoaPods integration with the following pods Alamofire AlamofireImage Use the Codable protocol to serialize the JSON
alternatively you can use the following pods: ObjectMapper AlamofireObjectMapper
Preferred for storing/saving: CoreData or Realm