Reward system for minecraft servers.
- HexColor Support
- Category system
- MYSQL and SQL FILE Support
- Setting up rewards for separate files
- Multiple rewards
- Customizable menus
- PlaceholderAPI implementation
- Using textures on menu heads
- <player_name> - Applicable for all
- <reward_displayname> - Applicable for reward files
- <reward_cooldown> - Applicable for reward files
- <reward_permission> - Applicable for reward files
- <rewards_availables_names> - Applicable for welcome message
- <rewards_availables> - Applicable for welcome message
- <available_rewards> - Applicable for category gui
- %orewards_available_[name]% - Returns if the reward is available, the result of which is editable in the config.yml file.
- %orewards_availables% - Return how many rewards you have available
- %orewards_cooldown_[name]% - Returns the countdown format
- /orewards - orewards.command
- /orewards menu -
- /orewards open <category_name> (optional: <player_name>) -
- /orewards help -
- /orewards reset <player_name> <reward_name|all> - orewards.cmd.reset
- /orewards reload - orewards.cmd.reload