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Babashka pod: Change format of ex-data.
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
The only relevant change is in src/BabshkaPod.hs.

The rest is formatting changes and upgrading to new ghc as I couldn't easily build
using old ghc.
  • Loading branch information
rorokimdim committed Mar 12, 2023
1 parent f07f903 commit 1b3fefa
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Showing 23 changed files with 228 additions and 377 deletions.
26 changes: 8 additions & 18 deletions app-windows/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,15 +3,14 @@
module Main where

import Control.Monad (join, void, unless, when)
import Control.Monad (join, unless, void, when)
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import Data.List (sortBy, findIndex)
import Data.List (findIndex, sortBy)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import System.Directory (copyFileWithMetadata, doesDirectoryExist)
import System.Exit (die)
import System.FilePath.Posix (combine, takeBaseName, takeDirectory, takeFileName)
import System.IO
(Handle, IOMode(ReadMode), hIsTerminalDevice, hClose, hFlush, openFile, stdin, stdout)
import System.IO (Handle, IOMode(ReadMode), hClose, hFlush, hIsTerminalDevice, openFile, stdin, stdout)

import qualified Control.Logging as L
import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty as AesonPretty
Expand All @@ -30,12 +29,12 @@ import qualified Text.Fuzzy as TF
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as PP
import qualified Text.Tabl as Table

import qualified BabashkaPod as BPod
import qualified Cipher
import qualified CommandParsers as C
import qualified DB
import qualified IOUtils
import qualified TextTransform
import qualified BabashkaPod as BPod
import qualified Version

import Types
Expand All @@ -55,9 +54,7 @@ getEncryptionKey_ handle = do

valid <- DB.checkEncryptionKey ekey
if valid
then return ekey
else die $ "\n☠️ Encryption key is invalid for stash file at " <> dbPath <> "."
if valid then return ekey else die $ "\n☠️ Encryption key is invalid for stash file at " <> dbPath <> "."

getEncryptionKeyWithConfirmation :: IO EncryptionKey
getEncryptionKeyWithConfirmation = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,9 +112,8 @@ backup = do

destinationDirectory = takeDirectory source
destinationFileName =
"backup-" <> takeBaseName source <> "-" <> filter (/= ' ') (show userTime) <> ".stash"
destination = combine destinationDirectory destinationFileName
destinationFileName = "backup-" <> takeBaseName source <> "-" <> filter (/= ' ') (show userTime) <> ".stash"
destination = combine destinationDirectory destinationFileName

copyFileWithMetadata source destination
putStrLn $ "Backed up " <> source <> " to " <> destination
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -197,13 +193,7 @@ initialize path createIfMissing = do
DB.NonExistentDBFile -> do
unless createIfMissing $ die $ "☠️ stash file " <> dbPath <> " does not exist."
isDirectory <- doesDirectoryExist dbPath
when isDirectory
$ die
$ "☠️ "
<> dbPath
<> " is a directory. Did you mean "
<> dbPath
<> ".stash?"
when isDirectory $ die $ "☠️ " <> dbPath <> " is a directory. Did you mean " <> dbPath <> ".stash?"
TIO.putStrLn $ "Creating new stash file " <> T.pack dbPath <> "..."
ekey <- getEncryptionKeyWithConfirmation
IOUtils.createMissingDirectories dbPath
Expand Down
157 changes: 62 additions & 95 deletions app/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
module Main where

import Control.Monad (join, void, unless, when)
import Control.Monad (join, unless, void, when)
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import Data.List (sortBy, findIndex)
import Data.List (findIndex, sortBy)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import System.Directory (copyFileWithMetadata, doesDirectoryExist)
import System.Exit (die)
import System.FilePath.Posix (combine, takeBaseName, takeDirectory, takeFileName)
import System.IO
(Handle, IOMode(ReadMode), hIsTerminalDevice, hClose, hFlush, openFile, stdin, stdout)
import System.IO (Handle, IOMode(ReadMode), hClose, hFlush, hIsTerminalDevice, openFile, stdin, stdout)

import qualified Brick.AttrMap as BA
import qualified Brick.Main as BM
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -41,12 +40,12 @@ import qualified Text.Fuzzy as TF
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as PP
import qualified Text.Tabl as Table

import qualified BabashkaPod as BPod
import qualified Cipher
import qualified CommandParsers as C
import qualified DB
import qualified IOUtils
import qualified TextTransform
import qualified BabashkaPod as BPod
import qualified Version

import Types
Expand All @@ -59,18 +58,19 @@ data GenericEditOptions = GERenameKey | GEAddKey | GEAddChildKey | GEDeleteKey d
data UIMode = BROWSE | BROWSE_EMPTY | BROWSE_HELP | GENERIC_EDIT GenericEditOptions | SORT deriving (Eq, Show)
data ValidationResult = VRSuccess | VRIgnore | VRFailed T.Text

data AppState = AppState {
_plainNodes :: [PlainNode],
_selectedChildKeys :: [PlainKey],
_selectPath :: [(ParentId, SelectedIndex)],
_currentPath :: [PlainKey],
_ekey :: EncryptionKey,
_keysList :: BWL.GenericList ResourceName Vec.Vector PlainKey,
_uiMode :: UIMode,
_sortPatternEditor :: BWE.Editor T.Text ResourceName,
_genericEditor :: BWE.Editor T.Text ResourceName,
_genericEditPrompt :: T.Text
} deriving (Show)
data AppState = AppState
{ _plainNodes :: [PlainNode]
, _selectedChildKeys :: [PlainKey]
, _selectPath :: [(ParentId, SelectedIndex)]
, _currentPath :: [PlainKey]
, _ekey :: EncryptionKey
, _keysList :: BWL.GenericList ResourceName Vec.Vector PlainKey
, _uiMode :: UIMode
, _sortPatternEditor :: BWE.Editor T.Text ResourceName
, _genericEditor :: BWE.Editor T.Text ResourceName
, _genericEditPrompt :: T.Text
deriving Show

-- |Opens given value in an editor and returned the edited value.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,10 +107,9 @@ buildBrickApp = do
toColor "brightWhite" = VA.brightWhite
toColor _ = VA.cyan

selectedColor <- toColor <$> IOUtils.getEnvWithDefault "STASH_TUI_COLOR_SELECTED" "cyan"
currentPathColor <- toColor <$> IOUtils.getEnvWithDefault "STASH_TUI_COLOR_CURRENT_PATH" "white"
sortPatternTextColor <- toColor
<$> IOUtils.getEnvWithDefault "STASH_TUI_COLOR_SORT_PATTERN" "white"
selectedColor <- toColor <$> IOUtils.getEnvWithDefault "STASH_TUI_COLOR_SELECTED" "cyan"
currentPathColor <- toColor <$> IOUtils.getEnvWithDefault "STASH_TUI_COLOR_CURRENT_PATH" "white"
sortPatternTextColor <- toColor <$> IOUtils.getEnvWithDefault "STASH_TUI_COLOR_SORT_PATTERN" "white"

return BM.App
{ appDraw = draw
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,9 +139,7 @@ getEncryptionKey_ handle = do

valid <- DB.checkEncryptionKey ekey
if valid
then return ekey
else die $ "\n☠️ Encryption key is invalid for stash file at " <> dbPath <> "."
if valid then return ekey else die $ "\n☠️ Encryption key is invalid for stash file at " <> dbPath <> "."

getEncryptionKeyWithConfirmation :: IO EncryptionKey
getEncryptionKeyWithConfirmation = do
Expand All @@ -155,9 +152,7 @@ getEncryptionKeyWithConfirmation = do
return ekey

pathWidget :: AppState -> BT.Widget ResourceName
pathWidget state = BWC.withAttr "currentPath" $ BWC.txtWrap $ T.append ">> " $ T.intercalate
" > "
(_currentPath state)
pathWidget state = BWC.withAttr "currentPath" $ BWC.txtWrap $ T.append ">> " $ T.intercalate " > " (_currentPath state)

keysList :: [PlainKey] -> BWL.GenericList ResourceName Vec.Vector PlainKey
keysList keys = BWL.list "keys" (Vec.fromList keys) 1
Expand All @@ -176,8 +171,8 @@ inputWidget :: AppState -> BT.Widget ResourceName
inputWidget s@AppState { _sortPatternEditor = editor, _uiMode = SORT } = BWC.hBox
[BWC.txt "Sort pattern: ", BWE.renderEditor f True editor]
where f xs = BWC.withAttr "sortPatternText" $ BWC.txt $ T.concat xs
inputWidget s@AppState { _genericEditor = editor, _genericEditPrompt = prompt, _uiMode = GENERIC_EDIT _ }
= BWC.hBox [BWC.txt prompt, BWE.renderEditor f True editor]
inputWidget s@AppState { _genericEditor = editor, _genericEditPrompt = prompt, _uiMode = GENERIC_EDIT _ } = BWC.hBox
[BWC.txt prompt, BWE.renderEditor f True editor]
where f xs = BWC.withAttr "genericEditText" $ BWC.txt $ T.concat xs
inputWidget _ = BWC.txt ""

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -269,8 +264,7 @@ handleArrowKey direction state = do
, _keysList = BWL.listMoveTo si $ keysList $ map __key plainNodes

:: AppState -> BT.BrickEvent ResourceName e -> BT.EventM ResourceName (BT.Next AppState)
handleSharedEvent :: AppState -> BT.BrickEvent ResourceName e -> BT.EventM ResourceName (BT.Next AppState)
handleSharedEvent s event@(BT.VtyEvent e) = case e of
V.EvKey V.KEsc [] -> BM.halt s
V.EvKey (V.KChar 'q') [] -> BM.halt s
Expand All @@ -296,9 +290,7 @@ editSelectedValue s = do
let (selectedNode, pid, si) = getSelected s
let key = __key selectedNode
let value = __value selectedNode
ext = T.unpack $ if length splits > 1 then last splits else "txt"
where splits = T.splitOn "." key
let ext = T.unpack $ if length splits > 1 then last splits else "txt" where splits = T.splitOn "." key
newValue <- edit ext value
DB.updateNodeValue ekey (__id selectedNode) newValue
buildState pid si s
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -329,26 +321,24 @@ validateGenericEditInput s@AppState { _uiMode = GENERIC_EDIT GERenameKey } = do
let isConflictingKey k = Vec.elem k $ BWL.listElements $ _keysList s
case newKey of
x | x == T.empty || x == currentKey -> return VRIgnore
x | isConflictingKey x -> return $ VRFailed $ T.concat
["Name '", newKey, "' is taken. Try a different name for '", currentKey, "': "]
x | isConflictingKey x ->
return $ VRFailed $ T.concat ["Name '", newKey, "' is taken. Try a different name for '", currentKey, "': "]
_ -> return VRSuccess
validateGenericEditInput s@AppState { _uiMode = GENERIC_EDIT GEAddKey } = do
let newKey = T.concat $ BWE.getEditContents $ _genericEditor s
let isConflictingKey k = Vec.elem k $ BWL.listElements $ _keysList s
case newKey of
x | x == T.empty -> return VRIgnore
x | isConflictingKey x ->
return $ VRFailed $ T.concat ["Name '", newKey, "' is taken. Try a different name: "]
_ -> return VRSuccess
x | x == T.empty -> return VRIgnore
x | isConflictingKey x -> return $ VRFailed $ T.concat ["Name '", newKey, "' is taken. Try a different name: "]
_ -> return VRSuccess
validateGenericEditInput s@AppState { _uiMode = GENERIC_EDIT GEAddChildKey } = do
let childKey = T.concat $ BWE.getEditContents $ _genericEditor s
let existingChildKeys = _selectedChildKeys s
let isConflictingKey k = k `elem` existingChildKeys
case childKey of
x | x == T.empty -> return VRIgnore
x | isConflictingKey x ->
return $ VRFailed $ T.concat ["Name '", childKey, "' is taken. Try a different name: "]
_ -> return VRSuccess
x | x == T.empty -> return VRIgnore
x | isConflictingKey x -> return $ VRFailed $ T.concat ["Name '", childKey, "' is taken. Try a different name: "]
_ -> return VRSuccess
validateGenericEditInput s@AppState { _uiMode = GENERIC_EDIT GEDeleteKey } = do
let response = T.concat $ BWE.getEditContents $ _genericEditor s
if response == "yes" then return VRSuccess else return VRIgnore
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -423,23 +413,15 @@ deleteKey s@AppState { _uiMode = GENERIC_EDIT GEDeleteKey } = do
_ -> return $ switchToBrowseMode s

prepareForRenameKey :: AppState -> AppState
prepareForRenameKey s = s
{ _uiMode = GENERIC_EDIT GERenameKey
, _genericEditPrompt = prompt
, _genericEditor = editor
prepareForRenameKey s = s { _uiMode = GENERIC_EDIT GERenameKey, _genericEditPrompt = prompt, _genericEditor = editor }
(selectedNode, _, _) = getSelected s
k = __key selectedNode
prompt = T.concat ["Rename '", k, "' to: "]
editor = BWE.editor "genericEditor" (Just 1) ""

prepareForAddKey :: AppState -> AppState
prepareForAddKey s = s
{ _uiMode = GENERIC_EDIT GEAddKey
, _genericEditPrompt = prompt
, _genericEditor = editor
prepareForAddKey s = s { _uiMode = GENERIC_EDIT GEAddKey, _genericEditPrompt = prompt, _genericEditor = editor }
prompt = "New key: "
editor = BWE.editor "genericEditor" (Just 1) ""
Expand All @@ -455,11 +437,7 @@ prepareForAddChildKey s = s
editor = BWE.editor "genericEditor" (Just 1) ""

prepareForDeleteKey :: AppState -> AppState
prepareForDeleteKey s = s
{ _uiMode = GENERIC_EDIT GEDeleteKey
, _genericEditPrompt = prompt
, _genericEditor = editor
prepareForDeleteKey s = s { _uiMode = GENERIC_EDIT GEDeleteKey, _genericEditPrompt = prompt, _genericEditor = editor }
prompt = "Are you sure you want to delete selected key? Type 'yes' to delete: "
editor = BWE.editor "genericEditor" (Just 1) ""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -532,43 +510,41 @@ handleEvent s@AppState { _uiMode = BROWSE } event@(BT.VtyEvent e) = case e of
moveToIndex s si = do
newState <- liftIO $ moveKeysList s si
BM.continue newState
handleEvent s@AppState { _uiMode = SORT, _sortPatternEditor = editor } event@(BT.VtyEvent e) =
handleEvent s@AppState { _uiMode = SORT, _sortPatternEditor = editor } event@(BT.VtyEvent e) = case e of
V.EvKey V.KEsc [] -> BM.continue $ switchToBrowseMode s
V.EvKey V.KEnter [] -> BM.continue $ switchToBrowseMode s
_ -> do
editor <- BWE.handleEditorEvent e editor
newState <- liftIO $ moveKeysList s { _sortPatternEditor = editor } 0
BM.continue newState
handleEvent s@AppState { _uiMode = GENERIC_EDIT GERenameKey, _genericEditor = editor } event@(BT.VtyEvent e) =
case e of
V.EvKey V.KEsc [] -> BM.continue $ switchToBrowseMode s
V.EvKey V.KEnter [] -> BM.continue $ switchToBrowseMode s
_ -> do
editor <- BWE.handleEditorEvent e editor
newState <- liftIO $ moveKeysList s { _sortPatternEditor = editor } 0
BM.continue newState
handleEvent s@AppState { _uiMode = GENERIC_EDIT GERenameKey, _genericEditor = editor } event@(BT.VtyEvent e)
= case e of
V.EvKey V.KEsc [] -> BM.continue $ switchToBrowseMode s
V.EvKey V.KEnter [] -> do
newState <- liftIO $ renameSelectedKey s
BM.continue newState
_ -> do
editor <- BWE.handleEditorEvent e editor
BM.continue s { _genericEditor = editor }
handleEvent s@AppState { _uiMode = GENERIC_EDIT GEAddKey, _genericEditor = editor } event@(BT.VtyEvent e)
= case e of
V.EvKey V.KEsc [] -> BM.continue $ switchToBrowseMode s
V.EvKey V.KEnter [] -> do
newState <- liftIO $ addKey s
BM.continue newState
_ -> do
editor <- BWE.handleEditorEvent e editor
BM.continue s { _genericEditor = editor }
handleEvent s@AppState { _uiMode = GENERIC_EDIT GEAddChildKey, _genericEditor = editor } event@(BT.VtyEvent e)
= case e of
handleEvent s@AppState { _uiMode = GENERIC_EDIT GEAddKey, _genericEditor = editor } event@(BT.VtyEvent e) = case e of
V.EvKey V.KEsc [] -> BM.continue $ switchToBrowseMode s
V.EvKey V.KEnter [] -> do
newState <- liftIO $ addKey s
BM.continue newState
_ -> do
editor <- BWE.handleEditorEvent e editor
BM.continue s { _genericEditor = editor }
handleEvent s@AppState { _uiMode = GENERIC_EDIT GEAddChildKey, _genericEditor = editor } event@(BT.VtyEvent e) =
case e of
V.EvKey V.KEsc [] -> BM.continue $ switchToBrowseMode s
V.EvKey V.KEnter [] -> do
newState <- liftIO $ addChildKey s
BM.continue newState
_ -> do
editor <- BWE.handleEditorEvent e editor
BM.continue s { _genericEditor = editor }
handleEvent s@AppState { _uiMode = GENERIC_EDIT GEDeleteKey, _genericEditor = editor } event@(BT.VtyEvent e)
= case e of
handleEvent s@AppState { _uiMode = GENERIC_EDIT GEDeleteKey, _genericEditor = editor } event@(BT.VtyEvent e) =
case e of
V.EvKey V.KEsc [] -> BM.continue $ switchToBrowseMode s
V.EvKey V.KEnter [] -> do
newState <- liftIO $ deleteKey s
Expand All @@ -578,8 +554,7 @@ handleEvent s@AppState { _uiMode = GENERIC_EDIT GEDeleteKey, _genericEditor = ed
BM.continue s { _genericEditor = editor }

switchToBrowseMode :: AppState -> AppState
switchToBrowseMode s = s { _uiMode = mode }
where mode = if (null . _plainNodes) s then BROWSE_EMPTY else BROWSE
switchToBrowseMode s = s { _uiMode = mode } where mode = if (null . _plainNodes) s then BROWSE_EMPTY else BROWSE

moveKeysList :: AppState -> SelectedIndex -> IO AppState
moveKeysList s si = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -720,8 +695,7 @@ deleteInteractively (n : ns) True = do
let nid = __id n
ekey <- getEncryptionKey
keys <- DB.getPath ekey nid
TIO.putStrLn $ T.concat
["The following item was marked for deletion:\n> ", T.intercalate " > " keys, "\n", __value n]
TIO.putStrLn $ T.concat ["The following item was marked for deletion:\n> ", T.intercalate " > " keys, "\n", __value n]
userResponse <- IOUtils.readUserResponseYesNo "Are you sure you want to delete?"
case userResponse of
IOUtils.URYes -> do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -858,9 +832,8 @@ backup = do

destinationDirectory = takeDirectory source
destinationFileName =
"backup-" <> takeBaseName source <> "-" <> filter (/= ' ') (show userTime) <> ".stash"
destination = combine destinationDirectory destinationFileName
destinationFileName = "backup-" <> takeBaseName source <> "-" <> filter (/= ' ') (show userTime) <> ".stash"
destination = combine destinationDirectory destinationFileName

copyFileWithMetadata source destination
putStrLn $ "Backed up " <> source <> " to " <> destination
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -897,13 +870,7 @@ initialize path createIfMissing = do
DB.NonExistentDBFile -> do
unless createIfMissing $ die $ "☠️ stash file " <> dbPath <> " does not exist."
isDirectory <- doesDirectoryExist dbPath
when isDirectory
$ die
$ "☠️ "
<> dbPath
<> " is a directory. Did you mean "
<> dbPath
<> ".stash?"
when isDirectory $ die $ "☠️ " <> dbPath <> " is a directory. Did you mean " <> dbPath <> ".stash?"
TIO.putStrLn $ "Creating new stash file " <> T.pack dbPath <> "..."
ekey <- getEncryptionKeyWithConfirmation
IOUtils.createMissingDirectories dbPath
Expand Down
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions benchmark/bench.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,5 @@ main = do
, bgroup
[ bench "OrgText" $ whnf (TT.toText OrgText) pnodes
, bench "MarkdownText" $ whnf (TT.toText MarkdownText) pnodes
[bench "OrgText" $ whnf (TT.toText OrgText) pnodes, bench "MarkdownText" $ whnf (TT.toText MarkdownText) pnodes]

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