MMO RPG game in space. Node.js server, three.js frontend with mySQL database
Create a copy of `config.example.json`, name it `config.json` in the same root folder
Navigate to front folder, run command `npm install`
Navigate to server folder, run command `npm install`
Run server using `npm start` command while in server folder
Run electron app by using `npm start` command while in front folder
git status
git switch master
git pull
git checkout -b bugfix/ex
git checkout -b feature/ex
Pull Request, merge
git switch master
git pull
npm version patch / npm version minor / npm version major
git pull
git switch master
git pull
npm install
git checkout -b bugfix/[name]
git checkout -b feature/[name]
Spacemaps are generated using
cd server
git pull
npm start
- @rorychatt Lead full-stack developer, project lead, idea author
- @dmitri.belov.db Front-end developer, idea supporter
- @rostyslawn02 Back-end developer
- @Beditski Back-end developer
- @nroxkey 3D asset designer
- @Tmin274 designer