We used Java to develop our Texas Hold’em Simulator. More precisely, we chose Guice for dependency injection and H2, a free, lightweight embedded SQL database, to store and retrieve the data from the preflop simulation and the opponents model. Maven is also used to manage our dependencies for the project.
You need to fetch the dependencies from the maven repositories:
mvn install
There are multiple classes with “main” function:
- Play [demo|phase1|phase2|phase3]. The parameter is optional. The default is demo. See *GameProperties.java file to get more details
- RunPreFlopSimulator
- RunModeler
- PrintModeler & PrintPreFlop
- Phase I: Take decision based only on the power of his hand
- Phase II: Use hand-strength calculation and pre-flop simulation roll-out
- Phase III: Use phase II techniques plus opponent modelling
Each different AI is declined in two different strategies. A bluffer and a normal/rational player.