Converts numbers in an humanized format. See examples under spec/.
NumberHumanizer.formatNumber(1234567.89) == '1.23M'
NumberHumanizer.formatNumber(1204567.89) == '1.2M'
NumberHumanizer.formatNumber(1204567.89, { stripLastZeros: false }) == '1.20M'
NumberHumanizer.formatCurrency(1234567.89) == '$1.23M'
NumberHumanizer.formatNumber(1234567.89, { precision: 5 }) == '1.2345M'
The precision
option specifies how many digits to use.
have a special case for numbers below 1,000:
NumberHumanizer.formatCurrency(12.3) == '$12.30'
NumberHumanizer.formatCurrency(12.345) == '$12.35'
NumberHumanizer.formatCurrency(12.345, { currencyDecimals: 3 }) == '$12.345'
Most of the behaviors can be changed globally through NumberHumanizer.defaults
suffixes: [ '', 'k', 'M', 'B', 'T' ],
// will be displayed if the value is too big to fit in the units above:
unsupportedSuffix: 'UNSUPPORTED UNIT',
precision: 3, // numbers of digits to include at most in the formatted value
currencyDecimals: 2, // decimal places to use when formatting currency values lower than 1000
stripLastZeros: true, // 1.20k -> 1.2k
// only take effect if stripLastZeros is false:
zeroPadding: '00000000000000000000000000000000' // '00' should be enough for a precision of 3
All options above can be overriden on each function call.
Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas