A full stack web application Twitter clone built with Flask. Users can create accounts, write 'messages' (tweets), like/unlike others messages, and follow/unfollow other users.
Demo: https://rb-warbler.onrender.com/
- User registration, autentication, authorization
- Post, like, unlike messages
- Follow/unfollow other users
- 99% test coverage
Create Python virtual environment and activate:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Install dependences from requirements.txt:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Setup the database:
createdb warbler
python seed.py
Create an .env file to hold configurations:
Start the server:
flask run
- AJAX for liking/unliking, creating messages
- Jinja macros to clean up repetitive code
- Optimize queries
- Change password form
- Private accounts
- Block users
- DM other users