Title: The European Ruby Open Source Software conference
Header: ROSS conf Amsterdam
Sub-header: May 11-12, 2018
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ROSS conf Amsterdam gives open source software maintainers the platform to introduce their project to an audience of first time as well as existing contributors. After 15 minute introductions to the project, pressing issues and requests, the conference day is reserved for hands-on programming (or contributing through updating documentation or adding artwork!) and pairing with the maintainers. To conclude the hackathon the maintainers present data on bugs fixed, and pull requests merged.
Exercism Exercism.io is written in Ruby using the Sinatra web framework and primarily maintained by Katrina Owen, who is a polyglot developer and Ruby Hero award winner who accidentally became a developer while pursuing a degree in molecular biology. She cares deeply about open source and contributes to several projects outside of exercism.
RVM Michal Papis maintains RVM since 6 years and his primary focus is releasing RVM v2 into the world, with your help!
Homebrew Ruby package manager for macOS Homebrew will be represented by core team member Alyssa Ross.
Traveling Ruby Traveling Ruby lets you create self-contained Ruby app packages for Windows, Linux and OS X. Traveling Ruby is a Phusion (Passenger) project and will as such be represented by Hongli Lai.
// Rails Girls
"We had a strong team with contributors from a variety of backgrounds. We received 3 patches, 1 bug fix, and 1 feature, all in the course of just one day. I couldn't be more pleased!" Zachary Scott (Ruby core team) about his ROSS conf experience
We're looking for more sponsors, please reach out to the organizers if your team would like to get involved! mailto: floor@phusion.nl
Rayta van Rijswijk Developer at Young Capital, Organizer Amsterdam.rb Twitter | GitHub
Floor Drees Developer Advocate at Phusion Passenger Twitter | GitHub
Lieke Boon Community Manager GitHub Twitter | GitHub
Sebastian Gräßl Developer at Red Hat Twitter | GitHub
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