Conversational State Machine Engine - A language learning CLI tool for visualising and traversing a conversation in multiple languages.
Intended to be, at the core, a simple state machine representing progression through a simple conversation. The primary purpose being for language learning / memorisation (Arabic, in my case).
- Generate PNG conversation diagrams
- Traverse conversations interactively with the user via STDIN.
- Model supports conversations in multiple languages or scripts over the same "conversation space" (set of valid states)
rowan:csme$ poetry run python csme --help
Usage: csme [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Conversational State Machine Engine.
A language learning CLI tool for visualising and traversing a conversation
in multiple languages.
--install-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
Install completion for the specified shell.
--show-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
Show completion for the specified shell, to
copy it or customize the installation.
--help Show this message and exit.
example-json Print an example conversation set JSON object
render Render the input conversation, with states, to PNG
render-no-states Render the input conversation, excluding states, to PNG
run Traverse the conversation interactively with the user
The sample conversation at data/arabic_1.json
can be used:
rowan:csme$ poetry run python csme render data/arabic_1.json
INFO:root:Rendering conversation...
Output filepath: build/ArabicConversation1.png
For conversation traversal the user should refer to the generated diagram and enter valid statements ("transitions") as prompted:
rowan:csme$ poetry run python csme run data/arabic_1.json
INFO:root:Running CSME service...
INFO:root:case_ignore_filter_enabled: True
INFO:root:Running engine...
: Marhaba
: Esmi Rowan
INFO:root:Name: Rowan
: Maasalama
Run tests:
rowan:csme$ poetry run pytest tests/
- Rename to Conversation State Machine (CSM) or something with Dialogue System in the name?
- Look into transitions extensions (there's a Diagrams/graphviz one!)
- Add different interfaces:
- Web - e.g. using dagre-d3
- Add different state machine "traverser" implementations:
- One using klaam. Could use speech-to-text and respond with text-to-speech!
- Add fuzzy input interpretation