- It is an educational crossover-platform which aims to help users familiarize with the human body. It includes features such as 3D/AR/VR content, Facebook authentication, various evaluation methods, Badge system and others.
- Anatomy Center is distributed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007.
Backend: NodeJS, MongoDB, PouchDB, Express, HAPI, Swagger, Mongoose;
Frontend: JS, React, RxJs, React-Toolkit, React-Router, CSS3, HTML5, ES2015 / ES7 [aka JS 1.6, 1.7], SASS, JSX, Bootstrap, jQuery, localStorage, IndexedDB, Fetch API, WebGL, Three.JS;
Others : Babel, ESLint, Flowtype, JSDoc, Webpack, CSS Modules, CommonJS, Token-Based Authentication, REST API, Docker, Docker-Compose, Chai.js, Mocha.js, Jest, Enzyme, Electron, Cordova, CircleCI, Heroku, Postman;