Hi. This is a UGA theme for the LaTeX package Beamer. See the .sty for credits. What it does is make a really nice slide presentation using documentclass{beamer} using LaTeX, much like you might be used to in Powerpoint. Here's a screenshot from one of my lectures:
Now, I'm going to assume you're already using beamer to make presentation slides using LaTeX. If not, you'll need to set that up. Here's what I do:
brock@amidala:~$ sudo apt-get install latex-beamer
YMMV. Now what you'll need are three files. One is called beamerthemeUGATheme.sty, which either goes in your tex tree, or in the directory of the document you're creating. Bit of advice: put it in your tree, and run texhash. You'll also need something called sealuga.pdf. that makes the little seal in the top left corner. The one I use gives a overfull error, but it compiles just fine. If you prefer a smaller seal that fits the box better, you can make it from the attached enormous jpg.
You're also gonna need your .tex file. I've included the template that I use, as well as an example template from one of my political philosophy lectures. I'll also include a bit of a tutorial soon.
Get all three relevant files here.
I hope this is helpful.