Snakemake workflow for processing BIDSified 7T MRI data as described in "Multi-scale structural alterations of basal ganglia in focal epilepsy as demonstrated by 7T MRI" (link here)
💽 Inputs:
- participants.tsv file with target subject IDs for both controls (prefixed with C, e.g., sub-C001) and patients.
- For each subject:
- BIDS dataset that includes
- B1+ map
- MP2RAGE data
- Demographic and patient info
- BIDS dataset that includes
💻 Singularity containers required:
- Gradient-distortion correction (
- fMRIPrep (
- Connectome Workbench (
- Surfmorph (
🔒 Also required:
- Numpy
- Pandas
- Nibabel
- PyVista
PreSurfer is developed by Sriranga Kashyap (@srikash). You can download and cite from here:
More info on the 7T-AMI atlas can be found in the original paper: "Automatic segmentation of deep grey nuclei using a high-resolution 7T magnetic resonance imaging atlas - Quantification of T1 values in healthy volunteers" ( A recipe to build a Singularity can be found here:
THOMAS is developed by Manoj Saranathan. You can find the original code here:
Surfmorph is developed by Ali Khan (@akhanf). You can find the original code here:
- Roy AM Haast @royhaast
- Hugo Dary