This is an utility that can be used to extract survey from ODK Aggregate and expose them via a simple REST API as JSON data. So you can use the extracted data in a way to satisfy you need.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. Feel free to leave your comments and review. This may help developper to deal with ODK a better way.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
* A Web Server
* PHP - Version 5.6 at least [Test]
* PHP Curl library for your version
* guzzlehttp/guzzle Version 6.3 at least
* Composer
* Git
Please follow those steps in order to run the project on you machine:
1. Go to WebServer's directory (www, htdocs ...)
2. git clone
3. cd ODK-PHP-Extractor
4. composer install
5. Give the right permissions
6. Go to this URL : <<YOUR_WEB_PATH>>/ODK-PHP-Extractor/
7.You'll see : No action defined! Remember this extractor only accept POST request
Feel free to leave your comments and reviews.
- Rulx Philome ALEXIS - Initial work - rpalexis