Available Build Configurations
- Debug
- Optimised
Microsoft DirectX Feb2010 SDK
- Rewriting the Gfx engine isn't a priority right now
- http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=10084
- You will have a system variable called "DXSDK_DIR". Project already references this path
Windows Driver Kit 7.1.0
For ATL and MFC. Porting everything to CLR is not a priority.
Follow the installation procedure. However, you will have to create the system variable yourself. Name the variable "WINDDK_DIR".
Check the projects and resource files and make sure the dependencies are properly set:
- $(WINDDK_DIR)inc\atl71
- $(WINDDK_DIR)inc\mfc42
- $(WINDDK_DIR)lib\ATL\i386
- $(WINDDK_DIR)inc\win7\i386 --> instead of "win7" use "wxp" for Windows XP
- $(WINDDK_DIR)lib\Mfc\i386
Testing/ Debugging
- FreeImage has been recompiled for VS2008. Get the DLL at "(trunk)\vc\tkCommon\images" and overwrite the one that came in with the TK3 package.
- A VS2008 version of Audiere was linked by the project. Get the DLL at "(trunk)\vc\trans3\audio" and overwrite the one that came in with the TK3 package.
- Configure "Working Directory" to a proper RPGToolkit install path, complete with all dependencies
For any questions contact me:
- "swordmaster" at rpgtoolkit.net