Adds Coveralls support to Cover. This plugin generates a Coveralls coverage json file and then sends it to Coveralls.
Note: This library currently has a dependency on bash and cURL.
If your code is hosted on a public github repo then you can use this plugin in conjunction with TravisCI.
Just enable your repository on both services, add cover-coveralls
to the build-deps
of your info.rkt
and then add a .travis.yml
file to your repo with the following contents:
langauge: c
sudo: false
- RACKET_DIR=~/racket
- RACKET_VERSION=6.2 # Set this to the version of racket you use
before_install: # Install Racket
- git clone ../travis-racket
- cat ../travis-racket/ | bash
- export PATH="${RACKET_DIR}/bin:${PATH}"
install: raco pkg install --deps search-auto $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR # install dependencies
- raco test $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR # run tests. you wrote tests, right?
- raco cover -f coveralls -d $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/coverage . # generate coverage information for coveralls
The above Travis configuration will install any project dependencies, test your project, and report coverage information to coveralls.
If you want a failure to upload to Coveralls, move the raco cover -f coveralls -d $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/coverage .
into the script
For additional Travis configuration information look at Travis Racket.
Note: This currently only works for public Github repos. This project does not support coveralls.yml
configurations for private repos.