It's a templating library for Elixir. This is my first real project in Elixir (or any BEAM language, for that matter); as such, I did a fairly straight-up port of the locomotive fork of the liquid templating language:
Add the dependency to your mix file
Start the application:
Compile a template from a string:
template = Fluid.Templates.parse("{% assign hello='hello' %}{{ hello }}{{world}}")
Render the template with a keyword list representing the local variables:
{ :ok, rendered } = Fluid.Templates.render(template, [world: "world"])
The tests should give a pretty good idea of the features implemented so far.
Feel free to add a bug report or pull request if you feel that anything is missing.
- Add full set of filters
- Add ability to add custom filters
If this is not for you, there is also a port of the Django template engine (which is quite similar) written for the ChicagoBoss framework: