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Initial Setup

rquellh edited this page May 14, 2018 · 24 revisions

Install NodeJS and Visual Studio Code

  • Install NodeJS (I usually install the latest LTS version.)

  • Install Visual Studio Code. (You can use your favorite IDE, but I included some nice VSCode integrations in this repo.)

Verify that NodeJS installed correctly

  1. Open Visual Studio Code (VSCode).
  2. Open the terminal by using the shortcut Ctrl + ~ or you can open the terminal by going to View -> Integrated Terminal


  1. In the terminal type node -v
  2. Press Enter
  3. If you see the version of NodeJS you installed then NodeJS has installed correctly
  4. If you encounter an error please install NodeJS again


Download the Repo


  1. Navigate to the home screen of the testcafe-cucumber repo.
  2. Click the "Clone or download" button
  3. Click "Download ZIP"
  4. When the download completes unzip the file
  5. The unziped file contains all the contents of this repo

Open/install the repo in VSCode

  1. Open VSCode
  2. Click File -> Open Folder
  3. Navigate to the location where you saved the repo
  4. Click the "Select Folder" button
  5. You should now see the explorer tree on the left side


  1. With VSCode open and the repo open
  2. Open the terminal by using the shortcut Ctrl + ~ or you can open the terminal by going to View -> Integrated Terminal
  3. In the terminal type npm install
  4. Press Enter
  5. You should see the installation of packages and node_modules folder in the project tree
