This Nuxt module simplifies user authentication using HTTP headers, streamlining the integration of token-based authorization into your application.
- Flexible Authentication: Supports various database backends (MySQL, SQLite, MongoDB, Microsoft SQL Server, PlanetScale, CockroachDB, Supabase, Neon, Turso) for user and token management.
- Customizable Token Handling: You can configure the token header and the routes that do not require authentication.
- Streamlined Integration: Easy setup with minimal configuration.
- Seamless error handling for authentication failures.
- Production-Ready: Secure practices for handling sensitive token data.
# Using pnpm
pnpm add nuxt-token-authentication
# Using yarn
yarn add nuxt-token-authentication
# Using npm
npm install nuxt-token-authentication
const defaultDatabase = {
// add your connector and it's options here
connector: "sqlite" as const,
options: {
path: "./data/users.sqlite3",
export default defineNuxtConfig({
modules: ["nuxt-token-authentication"],
nitro: {
// should be switched on
experimental: {
database: true,
database: {
default: defaultDatabase,
nuxtTokenAuthentication: {
//authTable: 'users', // users table name, default: 'users'
//tokenField: 'token', // name of the field in your table that stores the token, default: 'token'
//tokenHeader: 'Token', // name of the authentication header, you can use or 'Authorization', or anything else you want, default: 'Token'
// prefix: 'Bearer' // value used to prefix the token's value, default is empty
connector: {
name: defaultDatabase.connector,
options: defaultDatabase.options,
noAuthRoutes: ["POST:/api/auth/getToken", "GET:/api/orders/[id]"], // list of routes that do not require authentication, query params ignored automatically
The complete list of supported database connectors is available at The module supports PostgreSQL, and SQLite. If you need another connector open an issue.
Let's suppose you want to authenticate the users at the url api/auth/getToken
with a POST
request. You can use the following code to create the API endpoint.
Create a file at /server/api/auth/
with the following code. Feel free to modify if your users table does not identify the users by their email and password but other fields.
Do not forget to change data.password
(coming from the user's request) to a hashed password.
import bcrypt from "bcrypt";
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
const db = useDatabase();
const data = await readBody(event);
const options = useRuntimeConfig().public.nuxtTokenAuthentication;
// for table names we need and extra {} - see
const { rows } = await db.sql`
SELECT * FROM {${options.authTable}}
WHERE email = ${}
const isPasswordValid = await
if (!isPasswordValid) {
throw createError({
status: 401,
message: "Username or password is incorrect!",
const user = rows ? rows[0] : undefined;
if (user) {
delete user.password;
// TODO you can generate a new token here on every login
return { user };
Now you can send a POST
request to /api/auth/getToken
with 2 fields in the body: email
and password
. If the user exists, the server will return the user's data, including the token, so you can store it in your local state or pinia store.
Any other routes (except the ones you set in noAuthRoutes
) will require the token to be sent in the header.
Do not forget to save the token in the local state or pinia store.
You can limit access to routes by adding a middleware. For example, the following code will redirect to /admin/login
if the user is not logged in and the route starts with /admin
export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware((to, from) => {
const user = useState("user");
if (!user.value?.token && to.path.startsWith("/admin")) {
console.log("redirecting to login as user is not logged in");
return navigateTo("/admin/login");
# Install dependencies
# Generate type stubs
yarn dev:prepare
# Develop with the playground
yarn dev
# Build the playground
yarn dev:build
# Run ESLint
yarn lint
# Run Vitest
yarn test
yarn test:watch
# Release new version
yarn release