This is an example of how to use a Neo4J REST server to provide a flow-based web question and answer application. The examples are based on the kinds of questions that are used to create characters in the Morrowind/Fallout games from Bethesda.
You will need a local instance of the Neo4J server, you can get that from the Neo Technologies site.
Download and unpack the server, then from the root directory just type: bin/neo4j start.
To start the demo app:
- Clone the github repo: git clone
- cd flow-web-demo
- Create a virtualenv locally: virtualenv ve
- Activate the virtualenv: source ve/bin/activate
- Install the required libraries: pip install -r requirements.txt
- Populate the database with the initial flow data: python
- Start the web app: python
You should now have a graph database with a web console at http://localhost:7474 and a web app at http://localhost:8080.