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andrewvk edited this page Nov 8, 2016 · 1 revision

ConsoleCompetitionRunner Properties

The ConsoleCompetitionRunner type exposes the following members.



Name Description
Protected property DefaultAdditionalRerunsIfAnnotationsUpdated Count of additional runs performed after updating source annotations. (Inherited from CompetitionRunnerBase.)
Protected property DefaultLongRunningBenchmarkLimit Default timing limit to detect long-running benchmarks. (Inherited from CompetitionRunnerBase.)
Protected property DefaultMaxRerunsIfValidationFailed Maximum count of retries performed if the limit checking failed. (Inherited from CompetitionRunnerBase.)
Protected property DefaultMaxRunsAllowed Default timing limit to detect too fast benchmarks. (Inherited from CompetitionRunnerBase.)
Protected property DefaultSkipRunsBeforeApplyingAnnotations Count of runs skipped before source annotations will be applied. (Inherited from CompetitionRunnerBase.)
Protected property DefaultTooFastBenchmarkLimit Timing limit for too fast runs. (Inherited from CompetitionRunnerBase.)
Protected property DumpSummaryToHostLogger Gets a value indicating whether the last run summary should be dumped into host logger. (Inherited from CompetitionRunnerBase.)
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See Also


ConsoleCompetitionRunner Class
CodeJam.PerfTests.Running.Core Namespace

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