Nemerle is a high-level statically-typed programming language for the .NET platform. It offers functional, object-oriented and imperative features. It has a simple C#-like syntax and a powerful meta-programming system.
Features that come from the functional land are variants, pattern matching, type inference and parameter polymorphism (aka generics). The meta-programming system allows great compiler extensibility, embedding domain specific languages, partial evaluation and aspect-oriented programming.
To find out more, please visit:
Create hello.n:
using System.Console;
WriteLine("Hello world")
Compile and run
"C:\Program Files\Nemerle\ncc.exe" hello.n /out:hello.exe
Will output
Hello world
Install latest msi package from
Download latest binary package from and export Nemerle=/path/to/binaries/extracted
Clone with all submodules: git clone --recursive git:// If you have a clone already: git pull --recurse-submodules
- For Development:
Nemerle build process (for Nemerle developers)
- For Installer:
Run BuildInstallerFull(fx-version).cmd depending on required .NET version. Installer will be placed in bin/Release/net-(fx-version)/Installer.
Note: You can also use BuildInstallerFast(fx-version).cmd to build installer without running tests.
Note: For building Visual Studio bindings you need VSSDK and administrative rights.
Nemerle can bootstrap itself on Mono.
- Generic line:
xbuild NemerleAll-Mono.nproj /p:TargetFrameworkVersion=v(3.5 or 4.0 or 4.5 or 4.5.1) /p:Configuration=Release(or Debug) /t:Stage4(1 - 4) /tv:4.0(Needed for framework 4.0 and above)
- Release 3.5:
xbuild NemerleAll-Mono.nproj /p:TargetFrameworkVersion=v3.5 /p:Configuration=Release /t:Stage4
- Debug 4.0:
xbuild NemerleAll-Mono.nproj /p:TargetFrameworkVersion=v4.0 /p:Configuration=Debug /t:Stage4 /tv:4.0
- Visual Studio 2008/2010/2012/2013-preview integration installed by Nemerle installer
- Nemerle Studio is a free IDE based on Visual Studio Shell (Isolated mode) installed by Nemerle installer if VS Shell was installed
- Sharp Develop 3.0 addin can be builded manually. See snippets/sharpdevelop/ReadMe.txt
- See Vim, Emacs, Kate and other editors syntax support in the 'misc' folder
- Nemerle compiler sources (ncc/),
- Nemerle Documentation (doc/),
- standard Nemerle library (lib/),
- standard Nemerle macros (macros/),
- some examples of Nemerle programs (snippets/),
- a few useful tools (e.g. synatx highlighting modes) (misc/),
- binary Nemerle compiler needed to compile itself (boot/, boot-4.0/).
- Nemerle realted tools (e.g. relector addin) (tools/)
- Visual Studio 2008 integration (VsIntegration/)
- Gitter - chat for interactive discussions
- Nemerle forum:
- Nemerle Russian forum: