This web application lists video games in different platforms grouped by genres with their ranks fetched from the RAWG Video Games Database API. It's React and Redux, Microverse's module 3 capstone project.
- Reactjs
- Redux (react-redux and redux-toolkit)
- TailwindCSS
This project is a React implementation using Redux as state management library and an external API
Clone this repository (you must have Git Installed)
git clone
Then, move to the newly created folder capstone-project-3
using this command
cd capstone-project-3
To open the project in Visual Studio Code type the following command inside the capstone-project-3 folder
code .
To install dependencies run
npm install
Then you can start the server and preview the application using
npm start
👤 Ronald Skinner
- GitHub: @rskinnerc
- Twitter: @XSkinner
- LinkedIn: Ronald Skinner Cardenas
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Original design idea by Cindy Shin in Behance.
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
- To all my stand up teams, morning session groups and coding/learning partners
- Nelson Sakwa on Behance
This project is MIT licensed.