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A web API for RSSAC002 and root server system (RSS) instance data. For RSSAC002 data it uses the data collected here. For RSS instance data it uses the data available here. For root zone maintainer (RZM) data it uses the data available here.

It is currently used by the charts hosted here.

Entry Points

There are 10 entry points for the API that can receive HTTP GET requests and will return time series output in JSON.













The following parameters are described below: rsi, start_date, end_date, sum, totals, and week.


A list of Root Server Identifiers(RSIs) to return data for. The - and , characters are special delimiters.


a-m a,b,m,f m,c-k

rsi is not required and has no effect for entry point zone-size. All other entry points require rsi.


An inclusive date in the form YYYY-MM-DD that marks the beginning of the time series. start-date is required for all entry points.


An inclusive date in the form YYYY-MM-DD that marks the end of the time series. end-date is required for all entry points.


sum may be set or not set for all entry points. If set, data for all RSIs is summed together for each date. If week is set, data is summed together for each week.

sum has no effect for entry points instances-detail, load-time, and zone-size.

sum defaults to null.


week may be set or not set for all entry points. If set, data is returned per ISO 8601 week instead of per date. The first week is the week containing start_date, and the last week is the week containing end_date.

The values for each date in a week are summed together. If the value for a date is null, a value of 0 is used instead.

For load-time and zone-size data for all root zone serial numbers is returned. Values are not summed together.

For instances-detail setting week has no effect.

week defaults to null.


In addition to the standard parameters, the traffic-volume entry point can take the additional parameter totals.


totals can be set to either sent or received when calling traffic-volume.

If set to sent the sum total of dns-tcp-responses-sent-ipv4, dns-tcp-responses-sent-ipv6, dns-udp-responses-sent-ipv4, and dns-udp-responses-sent-ipv6 will be returned.

If set to received the sum total of dns-tcp-queries-received-ipv4, dns-tcp-queries-received-ipv6, dns-udp-queries-received-ipv4, and dns-udp-queries-received-ipv6 will be returned.

totals defaults to null.

Returned Data

If sum is unset, data is returned in JSON dictionary format per rsi per date. If sum is set, data is returned in JSON dictionary format per date.

In some cases the RSSAC002 data files cannot be read or are missing, in which case null will be returned for a given value. Programs using this data should be able to handle potential null values for any value.

If a Javascript program is going to be using this data, a function like the following is useful.

// Summation function for dirty data
// Treat null as zero and ignore non-numbers
function sum_vals(){
  var rv = 0;
  for(var ii = 0; ii < arguments.length; ii++){
    if(arguments[ii] != null){
      if(typeof(arguments[ii]) == 'number'){
        rv += arguments[ii];
  return rv;


prep_data.php must be run from the CLI prior to serving any data. It reads the RSSAC002 and instance data files, parses their values into data structures, and then serializes these to disk. Subsequent calls to the API then only have to read the serialized data structures from disk.

At the top of lib.php are the variables $RSSAC002_DATA_ROOT, $INSTANCE_DATA_ROOT, and $SERIALIZED_ROOT. These must be set to the location of the RSSAC002 data files, instance data files, and destination for the serialized data structures, respectively.