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rstaib edited this page Sep 4, 2014 · 19 revisions


Setting Name Description Type Default Value
headerTag The header tag is used to find the step button text within the declared wizard area. String h1
bodyTag The body tag is used to find the step content within the declared wizard area. String div
contentContainerTag The content container tag which will be used to wrap all step contents. String div
actionContainerTag The action container tag which will be used to wrap the pagination navigation. String div
stepsContainerTag The steps container tag which will be used to wrap the steps navigation. String div
cssClass The css class which will be added to the outer component wrapper. String wizard
stepsOrientation Determines whether the steps are vertically or horizontally oriented. String or Integer horizontal or 0


Setting Name Description Type Default Value
titleTemplate The title template which will be used to create a step button. String <span class="number">#index#.</span> #title#
loadingTemplate The loading template which will be used to create the loading animation. String <span class="spinner"></span> #text#


Setting Name Description Type Default Value
autoFocus Sets the focus to the first wizard instance in order to enable the key navigation from the begining if true. Boolean false
enableAllSteps Enables all steps from the begining if true (all steps are clickable). Boolean false
enableKeyNavigation Enables keyboard navigation if true (arrow left and arrow right). Boolean true
enablePagination Enables pagination (next, previous and finish button) if true. Boolean true
suppressPaginationOnFocus Suppresses pagination if a form field is focused. Boolean true
enableContentCache Enables cache for async loaded or iframe embedded content. Boolean true
enableCancelButton Shows the cancel button if enabled. Boolean false
enableFinishButton Shows the finish button if enabled. Boolean true
showFinishButtonAlways Shows the finish button always (on each step; right beside the next button) if true. Otherwise the next button will be replaced by the finish button if the last step becomes active. Boolean false
forceMoveForward Prevents jumping to a previous step. Boolean false
saveState Saves the current state (step position) to a cookie. By coming next time the last active step becomes activated. Boolean false
startIndex The position to start on (zero-based). Integer 0

Transition Effects

Setting Name Description Type Default Value
transitionEffect The animation effect which will be used for step transitions. String or Integer none or 0
transitionEffectSpeed Animation speed for step transitions (in milliseconds). Integer 200


Setting Name Description Type Default Value
onStepChanging Fires before the step changes and can be used to prevent step changing by returning false. Very useful for form validation. Event function (event, currentIndex, newIndex) { return true; }
onStepChanged Fires after the step has change. Event function (event, currentIndex, priorIndex) { }
onCanceled Fires after cancelation. Event function (event) { }
onFinishing Fires before finishing and can be used to prevent completion by returning false. Very useful for form validation. Event function (event, currentIndex) { return true; }
onFinished Fires after completion. Event function (event, currentIndex) { }
onInit Fires when the wizard is initialized. Event function (event, currentIndex) { }
onContentLoaded Fires after async content is loaded. Event function (event, currentIndex) { }


Setting Name Description Type Default Value
cancel Label for the cancel button. String Cancel
current This label is important for accessability reasons. Indicates which step is activated. String current step:
pagination This label is important for accessability reasons and describes the kind of navigation. String Pagination
finish Label for the finish button. String Finish
next Label for the next button. String Next
previous Label for the previous button. String Previous
loading Label for the loading animation. String Loading ...


var settings = {
    /* Appearance */
    headerTag: "h1",
    bodyTag: "div",
    contentContainerTag: "div",
    actionContainerTag: "div",
    stepsContainerTag: "div",
    cssClass: "wizard",
    stepsOrientation: $.fn.steps.stepsOrientation.horizontal,

    /* Templates */
    titleTemplate: '<span class="number">#index#.</span> #title#',
    loadingTemplate: '<span class="spinner"></span> #text#',

    /* Behaviour */
    autoFocus: false,
    enableAllSteps: false,
    enableKeyNavigation: true,
    enablePagination: true,
    suppressPaginationOnFocus: true,
    enableContentCache: true,
    enableCancelButton: true,
    enableFinishButton: true,
    preloadContent: false,
    showFinishButtonAlways: false,
    forceMoveForward: false,
    saveState: false,
    startIndex: 0,

    /* Transition Effects */
    transitionEffect: $.fn.steps.transitionEffect.none,
    transitionEffectSpeed: 200,

    /* Events */
    onStepChanging: function (event, currentIndex, newIndex) { return true; },
    onStepChanged: function (event, currentIndex, priorIndex) { }}, 
    onCanceled: function (event) { },
    onFinishing: function (event, currentIndex) { return true; }, 
    onFinished: function (event, currentIndex) { },

    /* Labels */
    labels: {
        cancel: "Cancel",
        current: "current step:",
        pagination: "Pagination",
        finish: "Finish",
        next: "Next",
        previous: "Previous",
        loading: "Loading ..."
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