Wrocaw University of Technology.
Rafal Straszewski.
System zarządzania inteligentnym budynkiem z wykorzystaniem komputera Raspberry Pi.
Intelligent building management system based on Raspberry Pi computer.
Raspberry Pi server communicates with devices (custom) using nrf24l01+ wireless trancivers (connected via serialport).
- Created to work on RaspberryPi B+ 512mb computer and mono runtime.
- Asp.Net Mvc 4 as presentation layer with angularjs and typescript as client-side.
- Entity Framework 6 as ORM.
- MySql as Database.
- Unity - dependency injection.
- Application layer buid with Domain Driven Design.
- Communication between domains with Domain Events.
- Client-server communication: Ajax and WebSocket (WebSocketSharp).
- Quartz library for starting tasks created by user.