Out of preview! Borrit is ready to be used in production with Google Sheets via Google Script Web App
- Google Script Web App is now the preferred way of using Google Sheets as a database
- README has now better explanations on how to use Google Sheets as a database
- Borrow and Return actions have keyboard shortcuts (Alt + Shift + B and Alt + Shift + R respectively)
- Add a Refresh entry in the context menu
- Add progress dialog when borrowing and returning
- Add progress of database refresh in the Background Tasks window (Unity 2020.1+)
- Username is by default the same as the one used in Git (if possible)
- Improved update of the Project window when assets have been updated
- Disable Borrow and Return when no username has been input
- Username can now support characters from UTF8
- Requests issued before the database has been reset are ignored
- Fix memory leak caused by UnityWebRequest not being disposed
- Borrow and Return actions are not blocked anymore when there's a refresh in the background