This repository contains an OS abstraction layer. The goal of the abstraction layer is to simplify writing software that runs on many platforms. This abstraction layer is mainly focused on threading functionality.
Clone the source:
$ git clone --recurse-submodules
This will clone the repository with submodules. If you already cloned
the repository without the --recurse-submodules
flag then run this
in the osal folder:
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
- CMake 3.14 or later
- Visual Studio 2017 or later
You can use a windows or unix shell as preferred. The following instructions are for a unix shell. CMake is assumed to be in your path.
$ cmake -B build.win64 -A x64
$ cmake --build build.win64 --config Release
$ cmake --build build.win64 --config Release --target check
This builds the project and runs the unit tests.
- GCC 4.6 or later
$ cmake -B build
$ cmake --build build --target all check
This builds the project and runs the unit tests.
- Workbench 2020.1 or later
You should use a bash shell, such as for instance the Command Line in your Toolbox installation. Set the BSP variable to the name of the BSP you wish to build for. Set the RTK variable to the path of your rt-kernel tree.
This creates standalone makefiles.
$ RTK=/path/to/rt-kernel BSP=xmc48relax cmake \
-B build.xmc48relax \
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/tools/toolchain/rt-kernel.cmake \
-G "Unix Makefiles"
$ cmake --build build.xmc48relax
This creates a Makefile project that can be imported to Workbench. The project will be created in the build directory. The build directory should be located outside of the source tree.
$ RTK=/path/to/rt-kernel BSP=xmc48relax cmake \
-B build.xmc48relax -S /path/to/osal \
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/tools/toolchain/rt-kernel.cmake \
-DCMAKE_ECLIPSE_EXECUTABLE=/opt/rt-tools/workbench/Workbench \
-G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles"
A source project will also be created in the osal tree. This project can also be imported to Workbench. After importing, right-click on the project and choose New -> Convert to a C/C++ project. This will setup the project so that the indexer works correctly and the Workbench revision control tools can be used.
The library and the unit tests will be built. Note that the tests require a stack of at least 6 kB. You may have to increase CFG_MAIN_STACK_SIZE in your bsp include/config.h file.
First, clone the relevant STM32Cube repo for your platform. For instance, to build for STM32F7 (fetching a specific tag only):
$ git clone \
-b v1.16.1 --single-branch --depth 1
Then, when configuring specify CPU, board and path to the cloned git repository:
$ CPU=cortex-m7fd BOARD=STM32F769I-DISCO CUBE_DIR=/path/to/cube cmake \
-B build.cube \
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/tools/toolchain/stm32cube.cmake \
-G "Unix Makefiles"
$ cmake --build build.cube