This is a TCP version ct_netconfc.
It can be used as a testtool to analyze Netconf protocol.
For usage reference, have a look at nm-netconf-client as an example.
$ rebar3 compile
$ rebar3 shell --apps snc
You can use this library to connect to Netconf server and communicate with Netconf XML message.
For example:
- create a netconf client
{ok, Pid} = snc_client:start_link("", 8443)
- create subscription
CreateSubscription = ["NETCONF", undefined, undefined, undefined]), % default
SimpleXml = snc_encoder:encode_rpc_operation(create_subscription, CreateSubscription),
%% SimpleXml:
%% {'create-subscription',[{xmlns,"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:notification:1.0"}],
%% [{stream,["NETCONF"]}]}
ok = snc_client:rpc_create_subscription(Pid, SimpleXml).
All Netconf protocol logic is in module snc_client.erl
, you can check it for more information.