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f78c707 Update Turabian (full note) for Reprint Editions (JabRef#5809) 2169ddc Create art-libraries-society-of-north-america-arlisna-reviews.csl (JabRef#5791) 94119a6 Create university-of-south-wales-harvard.csl (JabRef#5787) 470925c Update fachhochschule-sudwestfalen.csl (JabRef#5811) 1a9eff7 Create annals-of-public-and-cooperative-economics.csl (JabRef#5747) d7477f2 Merge pull request JabRef#5368 from POBrien333/patch-862 113e683 Merge pull request JabRef#5812 from citation-style-language/apa-no-initials 62dacff Create universitat-oberta-de-catalunya-apa.csl 046482c Fix Organization Studies title 1213b95 Make oranization-studies dependent c9641f4 Create apa-no-initials.csl 0b4e047 Modify american-journal-of-archaeology.csl (JabRef#5719) ddeda4f Create journal-of-economic-impact.csl (JabRef#5707) 40c2696 Update gallia.csl (JabRef#5782) 5d5927a Create serbian-archives-of-medicine.csl (JabRef#5721) 2777954 Merge pull request JabRef#5807 from dhacker29/master 77e3fca Update Society of Biblical Literature Full Note for 6.1.6 4479a5a haaga-helia-university-of-applied-sciences-harvard.csl: no date cites need to be unique (JabRef#5726) d00e046 Create university-of-roehampton-harvard.csl (JabRef#5732) e76da40 Medicinski Razgledi -- fix locale 75b1554 Add original-date extra to proper place as per SBL Handbook 6.2.17-18 (JabRef#5725) d43676e Update harvard-bournemouth-university.csl (JabRef#5667) 0312a39 Create ABNT NBR 6023:2018. UNESP – Faculdade de Engenharia de Guarati… (JabRef#5705) 6585ff9 Create sinergie-italian-journal-of-management.csl (JabRef#5776) a7dc678 Create journal-of-global-health.csl (JabRef#5775) 02080ce Merge pull request JabRef#5800 from citation-style-language/validation-fixes 8b51d85 change s. d. to s.d. in french style for INBO reports (issue #2) (JabRef#5634) 1b4ec09 Create bloomsbury-academic.csl (JabRef#5741) 1f28d87 Create zeithistorische-forschungen.csl (JabRef#5766) bb11942 Remove superfluous 'container' data from wiley-vch-books 06038a7 Remove et-al affixes be96bd8 Remove et-al affixes from bibliotecae-it.csl 03a94e4 Remove more et-al affixes 07d7423 Revert non-et-al changes to universitat-basel-iberomanistik f8e5fd8 Create medicinski-razgledi.csl (JabRef#5789) b4df8ee Create dut-harvard.csl (JabRef#5762) 40855c4 Fix affixes on et-al b4fe9b0 Merge pull request JabRef#5798 from citation-style-language/uris 3dc4aaf URL-encode documentation URLs 408a3a8 fixes citation-style-language/Sheldon#38 42aca5b Update biophysics-and-physicobiology.csl (JabRef#5751) 706bea0 Create universidade-do-porto-faculdade-de-engenharia-chicago-pt.csl (JabRef#5742) 269ff91 Update universidade-do-porto-faculdade-de-engenharia-chicago.csl (JabRef#5797) 0ba51e7 Update el-profesional-de-la-informacion.csl (JabRef#5785) dac3baf Create arthropod-systematics-and-phylogeny.csl (JabRef#5772) 9dff241 Merge pull request JabRef#5796 from dhacker29/patch-1 35949f4 Update turabian-fullnote-bibliography-no-ibid.csl ccfb661 Merge pull request JabRef#5793 from benjaminmoon/patch-2 520e127 Update frontiers-medical-journals.csl (JabRef#5740) ab629ab Update natura-croatica.csl (JabRef#5795) 60b2b17 Rename turabian-fullnote-bibliography-no-ibid to turabian-fullnote-bibliography-no-ibid.csl ad4edff Create turabian-fullnote-bibliography-no-ibid d9b956c Update monographs-of-the-palaeontographical-society.csl 3648ae6 Merge pull request JabRef#5792 from StianOby/fix-no-page-number-articles e15b2f7 Update norsk-henvisningsstandard-for-rettsvitenskapelige-tekster.csl d8778cf Removed "page" (s. ) term for articles that do not have page numbers. 409017c add medium field for eBooks to MLA 8th git-subtree-dir: buildres/csl/csl-styles git-subtree-split: f78c707
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