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What do the timestamps in the long results table mean?

Ruben C. Arslan edited this page Mar 20, 2023 · 4 revisions
  • Created = Server-based timestamp – when the item was created (before the page was loaded)
  • Saved = Server-based timestamp– when the item was stored on the server (after the page was submitted)
  • Shown = Client-based timestamp (Javascript, could be faked by user) – When the item was shown (pageload or later if it as a showif item)
  • Shown_relative = As above, but submillisecond precision, relative to the time pageload, will not work in old browsers.
  • Answered = Client-based timestamp (Javascript, could be faked by user) – When the item was answered (pageload or later if it as a showif item)
  • Answered_relative = As above, relative to the pageload, submillisecond precision, will not work in old browsers.

See here for an example of this data can be analysed.

The client-side values are set here: