I've been meaning to make my own game engine for years now. Ever since using Unity3D I've always felt like I needed more control. This project is the answer to that:
Summing up all my knowledge of C++ over the years. This engine will stitch up multiple libries like SDL2, Assimp, Cereal, SOIL as well as the OpenGL loader Glad to create a simple but powerful game creation platform that suits my purposes. It will be a colossal task and an equaly immense learning oportunity.
One of the things I aim to overcome is my utter lack to plan ahead and set goals. I shall be tackling that issue with text file idea.txt
and the various planning tools Github has to offer, Projects, Issues, Pull Requests, and Branches. I will, define a feature to implement in Projects, order by time estimated, then execute based on the most critical feature needed.
To compile/run the engine yourself clone the repo and compile.
Day 1
Day 3
Day 10
Trying to get the textures working:
Day 25
Now compiles for Ubuntu 18.04 as well as Archlinux and is configurable to use OpenGL Core 3.0 or 4.5:
Main | New Scene |
Day 33
Day 49
A huge range of improvement from serailizing to getting the textures finally working. As well as dynamic project reloading:
Textures | Color Edit |