simple_message_client -s server -p port -u user [-i image URL] -m mes-
sage [-v] [-h]
simple_message_client - Send a message to the VCS TCP/IP message bul-
letin board server simple_message_server(1).
The message may contain the following HTML tags: <strong>, </strong>,
<em>, </em>, <br/>.
For the server either the IPV4 or IPV6 address or a hostname must be
provided via the server option. The TCP port to connect to is given via
the port option, which can either be a port number of a service name as
listed in /etc/services.
The user name of the message submitter must be provided via the user
option. Optionally the URL of an image for the user can be provided via
the image URL option.
In case the -v commandline option is provided, execution trace message
are written to stdout.
Providing the -h commandline option causes a usage message to be writ-
ten to stdout.
The following options are supported:
-s, --server server
Use server (which is either an IPV4 address, an IPV6 address, or
a hostname) as the server to connect to.
-p, --port port
Use port (which is either a port number or a service name) as
the TCP port to connect to. - The range for port numbers is lim-
ited to [0..65535].
-u, --user user
Use user as user name for the message submission.
-i, --image image URL
Use image URL as URL of an image for the submitting user.
-m, --message message
Use message as message to submit to the bulletin board.
-v, --verbose
Write execution trace information to stdout
-h, --help
Write usage information to stdout.
simple_message_server -p port [-h]
simple_message_server - The VCS TCP/IP message bulletin board server.
simple_message_server (VCS TCP/IP message bulletin board server) is the
daemon program for the simple_message_client(1) client program. sim-
ple_message_server listens on TCP port port for incoming connections
from simple_message_client(1) applications. simple_message_server
forks a new daemon for each incoming connection, redirects stdin and
stdout of the forked child daemons to the connected socket and executes
the simple_message_server_logic(1) executable in the forked child dae-
Providing the -h commandline option causes a usage message to be writ-
ten to stdout.
The following options are supported:
-p, --port port
Use port (which must be a port number) as the TCP port to listen
on. - The range for port numbers is limited to [0..65535].
-h, --help
Write usage information to stdout.