Website of ruby lovers from the north of France, built with codeless.
- Slim [for html]
- Sass [for css]
- CoffeeScript [for js]
- Bower [js package management]
- Middleman Live Reload [Reloads the page when files change]
- Middleman Autoprefixer [Automatically add vendor prefixes to CSS rules]
- GitHub Pages [deployment/hosting]
Set up your project in your code directory
git clone
Install dependencies
bundle install
bower install
Launch the server on your machine
middleman server
Deploy to Github Pages
middleman deploy
If you have problems, please create a GitHub Issue.
Have a fix or want to add a feature? Pull Requests are welcome!
This project is free software, and may be redistributed under:
- GNU/GPL license for sources
- Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike for media
- François Lecroart - Ruby Burgers photo
- Ruby Nord for any other media