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zuk edited this page Oct 24, 2012 · 4 revisions

See the Look & Feel section of the config.example.yml for configuration options for changing the RubyCAS-Server Web UI.

The easiest way to customize how RubyCAS looks is to write your own CSS theme. Make a copy of the simple theme ( and customize it to your needs. Put your new theme directory under /public/themes/your_theme_name and modify your config.yml:

theme: your_theme_name

However, themes only provide customization via CSS. If you need more control (custom HTMl, JavaScript, etc.), you'll have to write your own view templates. This can be done by copying the views directory, modifying the template files inside, and then uncommenting and changing this line in your config.yml to point to your new views directory:

custom_views: /path/to/custom/views

Finally, you can also tell RubyCAS-Server to use a different public directory. All static files -- images, themes, JavaScript, CSS, etc. -- will be served from here:

public_dir: /path/to/custom/public

Note that the public_dir option doesn't apply to templates. These will be compiled from the standard views directory or from your custom_views.

Advanced Customization

See this FAQ question for detailed information and examples on integrating a custom authenticator with customized templates.