Rubyists of Loudoun County, VA. We meet the last Friday of every month, please join us.
Our website is built using Middleman, a static site generator.
Make sure ruby is installed. Duh. RVM, rbenv, whatever. Here's an example of getting rbenv up and running using homebrew.
$ brew install rbenv
$ brew install ruby-build
A vendor everything approach in your development is recommended.
$ git clone
$ cd
$ cat .ruby-version | rbenv install # if you lack this ruby version
$ bundle install --path vendor --local
Run the middleman server in development.
$ rake
This just runs bundle exec middleman server
and opens http://localhost:4567
in your default browser.
The site is hosted on GitHub Pages. To publish, run:
$ rake publish
This will build the site, create a new commit in the gh-pages branch, and automatically push that branch to origin.