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rugk edited this page Jul 23, 2023 · 1 revision

Adding support for redirecting from a new Fediverse instance

Basically you may need to register a new type and handler for your Fediverse site and add it here to the others:

That detect handler does all the detection work and is called automatically, just use the existing ones as a reference:

That, however, is only for catching URL redirections. Now the tricky part is just ahead…

The tricky part is then to have a content script like that intercepts the button clicks or whatever you actually want. You then need to add this to be injected into each tab here:

The thing is to make sure you cause no false-positives (properly detect the website is an instance of the service) striking a balance between it being constrained enough like that, but also being flexible enough so that a website/slightly-modified or differently configured instance or an instance that may be running a more recent/upgraded software version still works. Sounds complicated but well, you'll see that and if there happens to be a breaking change in the Fediverse software then well… this add-on needs to be fixed again and upgraded.

The aim of all that content script currently just is to trigger opening a window/popup so the URL catching/detection you implemented earlier triggers. See here e.g.:

See when that changes. But for now, this is the basic way.

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