- Build APIs for a social media platform in either NodeJS or Python
- The API should support features like getting a user profile, follow a user, upload a post, delete a post, like a post, unlike a liked post, and comment on a post
- Design the database schema and implement in PostgreSQL or MongoDB
- GET: /api/user should authenticate the request and return the respective user profile.
RETURN: User Name, number of followers & followings.
- GET: api/posts/{id} would return a single post with {id} populated with its number of likes and comments
- GET: /api/all_posts would return all posts created by authenticated user sorted by post time.
RETURN: For each post return the following values
- id: ID of the post
- title: Title of the post
- desc: Description of the post
- created_at: Date and time when the post was created
- comments: Array of comments, for the particular post
- likes: Number of likes for the particular post
- POST: /api/follow/{id} authenticated user would follow user with {id}
- POST: /api/unfollow/{id} authenticated user would unfollow a user with {id}
- POST: api/posts/ would add a new post created by the authenticated user.
RETURN: Post-ID, Title, Description, Created Time(UTC).
- Input: Title, Description
- POST: /api/like/{id} would like the post with {id} by the authenticated user.
- POST: /api/unlike/{id} would unlike the post with {id} by the authenticated user.
- POST: /api/comment/{id} add comment for post with {id} by the authenticated user.
- POST: /api/authenticate should perform user authentication and return a JWT token.
- INPUT: Email, Password
NOTE: Use dummy email & password for authentication. No need to create endpoint for registering new user.`
- DELETE: api/posts/{id} would delete post with {id} created by the authenticated user.
Return: Comment-ID
Input: Comment
- Backend: NodeJS (using ExpressJS or Koa) or Python (using Django). Use other helping libraries.
- Database: PostgreSQL or MongoDB
Implement the mentioned functionalities by writing your code & hosting it on Render.
Submit the Render hosted link for the deployed APIs and Github or Gitlab public repository link for the deployed code in the form below.
Provide the list of the functional testcases specific to each API endpoint with description in an Excel sheet (sample sheet) & submit it via the form below.
💬 Sample excel file for tests Sample Test Case
- Don’t write all the testcase but try to focus on the important testcases according to your understanding.
Implement the testcases using the language specific framework or library like Mocha or Chai.js for Node.
- Commit the testcase code in the git repo & provide the commands to run the testcases.
Create a single docker file for running the full web app under a single docker image. Commit the docker file under the same repo & provide the link.
- Please note docker file should take care of the database, running testcases & other dependencies installation.