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Emacs Goodies el

Rui Figueiredo edited this page Aug 22, 2013 · 3 revisions

Debian 7 package

Install sudo apt-get install emacs-goodies-el

Miscellaneous add-ons for Emacs

This package contains:

  • align-string - align string components over several lines;
  • all - edit all lines matching a given regexp;
  • apache-mode - major mode for editing Apache configuration files;
  • ascii - ASCII code display for character under point;
  • auto-fill-inhibit - finer grained control over auto-fill-mode;
  • bar-cursor - change your cursor to a bar instead of a block;
  • bm - visible bookmarks in buffers;
  • boxquote - quote texts in nice boxes;
  • browse-huge-tar - browse tar files without reading them into memory;
  • browse-kill-ring - browse, search, modify the kill ring;
  • clipper - save strings of data for further use;
  • coffee - now Emacs can even brew coffee;
  • color-theme - changes the colors used within Emacs;
  • csv-mode - major mode for comma-separated value files;
  • ctypes - enhanced Font lock support for custom defined types;
  • dedicated - make a window dedicated to a single buffer;
  • df - display in the mode line space left on devices;
  • dict - wrapper around the 'dict' command. (Depends on bash and dict)
  • diminish - shorten or erase modeline presence of minor modes;
  • dir-locals - provides directory-wide local variables;
  • edit-env - display, edit, delete and add environment variables;
  • egocentric - highlight your name inside emacs buffers;
  • eproject - assign files to projects, programatically
  • ff-paths - $PATH-like searching in C-x C-f;
  • filladapt - enhances Emacs's built-in adaptive fill;
  • floatbg - slowly modify background color;
  • framepop - display temporary buffers in a dedicated frame;
  • graphviz-dot-mode.el - mode for the dot-language used by graphviz (att).
  • highlight-beyond-fill-column - highlight lines that are too long;
  • highlight-completion - highlight completions in the minibuffer;
  • highlight-current-line - highlight line where the cursor is;
  • home-end - alternative Home and End commands;
  • htmlize - HTML-ize font-lock buffers;
  • initsplit - split customizations into different files;
  • joc-toggle-buffer - fast switching between two buffers;
  • joc-toggle-case - a set of functions to toggle the case of characters;
  • keydef - a simpler way to define key mappings;
  • keywiz - Emacs key sequence quiz;
  • lcomp - list-completion hacks;
  • maplev - major mode for Maple;
  • map-lines - map a command over lines matching a regexp;
  • markdown-mode - major mode for editing Markdown files;
  • marker-visit - navigate through a buffer's marks in order;
  • matlab - major mode for MatLab dot-m files;
  • minibuf-electric - electric minibuffer behavior from XEmacs;
  • minibuffer-complete-cycle - cycle through the Completions buffer;
  • miniedit - enhanced editing for minibuffer fields;
  • mutt-alias - lookup and insert the expansion of mutt mail aliases;
  • muttrc-mode - major mode for editing Mutt config files;
  • obfusurl - obfuscate an URL;
  • pack-windows - resize all windows to display as much info as possible;
  • perldoc - show help for Perl functions and modules. (Depends on perl-doc);
  • pod-mode - major mode for editing POD files;
  • pp-c-l - display Control-l characters in a pretty way;
  • projects - create project-based meaningful buffer names;
  • prot-buf - protect buffers from accidental killing;
  • protocols - perform lookups in /etc/protocols;
  • quack - enhanced support for editing and running Scheme code;
  • rfcview - view IETF RFCs with readability-improved formatting;
  • services - perform lookups in /etc/services;
  • session - saves settings between Emacs invocations and visits to a file;
  • setnu - setnu-mode, a vi-style line number mode;
  • shell-command - enables tab-completion for shell-command;
  • show-wspace - highlight whitespaces of various kinds;
  • silly-mail - generate bozotic mail headers;
  • slang-mode.el - a major-mode for editing S-Lang scripts;
  • sys-apropos - interface for the *nix apropos command;
  • tabbar - Display a tab bar in the header line;
  • tail - "tail -f" a file or a command from within Emacs;
  • tc - cite text with proper filling;
  • thinks - quote texts in cartoon-like think bubbles;
  • tlc - major mode for editing Target Language Compiler scripts;
  • tld - explain top-level domain names;
  • todoo - major mode for editing TODO files;
  • toggle-option - easily toggle frequently toggled options;
  • twiddle - mode line hacks to keep you awake;
  • under - underline a region with ^ characters;
  • upstart-mode - mode for editing upstart files;
  • xrdb-mode - mode for editing X resource database files.

See /usr/share/doc/emacs-goodies-el/README.Debian.gz for a short description of all files, or the Info node `emacs-goodies-el' for details.

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