Some useful anki template improve our learning experience
一些有用的 anki 模板改善我们的学习体验
Original Github is here
A simple cloze for touch/click/keyboard to show one by one answer
It support multi-cloze cards with c1, c2, ... c[n]
它支持带有 c1, c2, ... c[n] 的多重完型填空卡
Demo for Mathjax, some Mathjax precautions for use Mathjax公式块示例, 一些Mathjax注意事项
Demo for reciting Chinese 中文间隔记忆背诵示例
主题 | 单选题正面 | 多选题背面 |
亮色主题 Light Theme |
暗色主题 Dark Theme |
Platform | Support |
Anki Droid | YES |
Anki Mobile | Issues with floating buttons, feedback & PR welcome |
Anki Windows | YES |
Anki MacOS | Not test, feedback & PR welcome |
Anki Linux | Not test, feedback & PR welcome |
Web version | YES, ClozeAdv with mathjax bugs |
I would appreciate it if someone could give feedback on the results of compatibility
Apache License V2.0
If you find issues, please let me know. It's best to bring Anki Deck demo that can reproduce the problem
如果您发现错误,请告诉我。最好带上能重现该问题的Anki Deck demo