ℹ️ News!
- DeepsmirUD is available with being installed with a docker image.
- Supplementary Tables S5-23 are available in the repository.
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This repository is a standalone package of the DeepsmirUD method. DeepsmirUD is used to predict small molecule-mediated regulatory effects on miRNA expression. This method is powered by 12 cutting-edged deep learning models.
pip install deepsmirud
conda install -c jianfeng_sun deepsmirud
docker pull 2003100127/deepsmirud
deepsmirud [-h]
--method m
--smile_fpn sm
--fasta_fpn mir
--model_fp mf
--output_path o
argument details:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m, --method,
A deep learning method. It can be any below.
AlexNet | BiRNN | RNN | Seq2Seq |
CNN | ConvMixer64 | DSConv | LSTMCNN |
MobileNet | ResNet18 | ResNet50 | SEResNet |
-sm, --smile_fpn, a small molecule file that contains only smile strings
-mir, --fasta_fpn, a miRNA fasta file
-mf, --model_fp, a model path
-o, --output_path, outputting deepsmirud predictions
deepsmirud_download -o /the/path/you/prefer/model.zip
# output messages
Please use -mf
of deepsmirud
then to access to where the models are located.
Two example files in DeepsmirUD are 5757.txt and MIMAT0000066.fasta for a small molecule and a miRNA molecule.
# 5757.txt
# MIMAT0000066.fasta
>hsa-let-7e-5p MIMAT0000066
Use two example files in DeepsmirUD. The LSTMCNN model is recommanded to use in your studies.
deepsmirud -m LSTMCNN -sm deepsmirud/data/example/5757.txt -mir deepsmirud/data/example/MIMAT0000066.fasta -mf /the/path/you/prefer/model/lstmcnn -o ./out.deepsmirud
Please cite our work if you use DeepsmirUD in your research.
If you have any question, please contact Jianfeng Sun. We highly recommend creating issue pages when you have problems. Your issues will be responded then.