The International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) aims to make information about aid spending easier to access. To this end, we publish the IATI standard and keep a registry of data in that form.
The IATI Datastore is provided to help users of IATI's data access the extracts they are interested in. A public instance is available here:
You will need Redis, Postgres, python, pip and develpment libraries (for libpq, libxml2 and libxslt) to run the full setup. For example, on Ubuntu:
sudo aptitude install postgresql redis-server python-pip libpq-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev
- Clone the source
- Install
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
- Run the tests
nosetests iati_datastore
(the tests use an in-memory sqlite db) - Create a database (in postgres), and set an environment variable
to something likepostgres:///iati-ds
. - Run
iati create_database
to create the db tables - Run
iati crawl update
to start the process of grabbing the source data - Run
iati runserver
to start a development server - Run a worker with
iati queue background
- this will download and index the datafiles,
check progess with
iati crawl status
- this will download and index the datafiles,
check progess with
- Go to
Install the requirements listed above
Install Apache and mod_wsgi
sudo aptitude install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi
Clone the source
pip install -e iati_datastore
Create a database (in postgres), and set an environment variable
. e.g.:sudo -u postgres createdb iati-ds -O my_username -E utf-8 export DATABASE_URL='postgres:///iati-ds'
iati create_database
to create the db tables -
Set up a cron job for updates. (Add the following line after running
crontab -e
)0 0 * * * export DATABASE_URL='postgres:///iati-ds'; /usr/local/bin/iati crawl update
Run a worker with
iati queue background
- This needs to persist when you close your ssh connection. A simple way of doing this is using screen.
Set up apache using mod_wsgi
Create a datastore.wsgi file containing this code (this is necessary because Apache's mod wsgi handles environment variables differently):
import os os.environ['DATABASE_URL'] = 'postgres:///iati-ds' from iatilib.wsgi import app as application
Add this inside the
tags of your apache configuration:WSGIDaemonProcess datastore user=my_username group=my_username WSGIProcessGroup datastore WSGIScriptAlias / /home/datastore/datastore.wsgi
- Run this SQL query on the database -
UPDATE resource SET last_succ=NULL;
- Restart background process
- Run
iati crawl update
(or wait for cron to run it for you)